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Prevoius postings:

Erich with the email adress posted on 13.9.2005 at 13:38 the following comment:
Hi Peter, nette Hp - ist immer schwierig sie am laufenden zu halten. Mir gehts genauso!

Irene posted on 18.5.2003 at 16:40 the following comment:
Bin sooo stolz auf dich!

Irene with the email adress posted on 22.8.2002 at 14:00 the following comment:
Das wird ja immer besser! Du übertriffst dich ja selbst! Deine Labor-Maus

Roger with the email adress posted on 21.8.2002 at 9:17 the following comment:
Fuers erste gar net mal so schlecht. Was ein Bachelor so alles lernt... ;-)

Teri and Tony Prokes with the email adress posted on 21.7.2002 at 1:54 the following comment:
Hi Peter! Great job on your web site!

Pete Barton with the email adress posted on 17.6.2002 at 16:09 the following comment:
Have fun in Florida!!

Manfred Eckardt with the email adress posted on 11.4.2002 at 18:08 the following comment:
Hi Peter! Coole Seite ;-) lg -Manf-

Florian posted on 24.3.2002 at 19:02 the following comment:
Danke für den netten Link auf meine Seite und alles gute noch für die Uni.

Mother Bunny :-) with the email adress posted on 8.2.2002 at 23:38 the following comment:
I visited today. Talk with you soon.

Irene posted on 2.2.2002 at 11:03 the following comment:
Ganz toll-toll-toll!

Peter Karas with the email adress posted on 1.2.2002 at 19:41 the following comment:
With this message, the guestbook is online! I hope you like it!

I want to thank all of you for your comments!